Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Maguindanao Tale of the Faithful Wife

(1)   Once there lived in the Sultanate of Bandiamasir an aged man who had an only son. They lived comfortably together until the time came for the boy to marry. He loved a girl from the same town but before he could make any arrangements, his father fell ill and was soon near death. He called his son to him and said “My son, never marry a balo (widow) but a raga (young lady).”

(2)   After his father died, the son made up his mind to find the meaning of his father’s advice and forthwith married a raga. But he married two other women as well: a balo and bituanem (divorce). As all three lived harmoniously together he kept puzzling over the advice left to him by his father.

(3)   One day a new Sultan ascended the throne as the old one had died. This new Sultan turned loose his magnificent rooster and then proclaimed that whoever touched it would be killed.

(4)   When the son heard of this decree he was very glad because now he had a way of testing his father’s advice. He caught the royal rooster and brought it home. Then he called his three wives, showed them the rooster and said: “Kill the rooster and cook it for my dinner.”

(5)   The three women turned pale when they realized the meaning of what he said. The balo and the bituanem immediately refused and hurriedly left the house, not wanting to be implicated in the crime.

(6)    The raga took the rooster, killed it and served it to her husband.

(7)   Then he knew what his father meant by his dying words. Only the raga could be faithful.

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